Tuesday, December 15, 2015

POSTINGS Due by Friday.....

As we develop your 20X30 project, record your CREATIVE PROCESS by blogging these steps:

• Post images of your 5 thumbnail sketches to show complosition (negative space)

• Explain your THEME-

• Explain your SUBJECT

• Post a VALUE SKETCH to show how you will use CONTRAST in the work....

Here are some links to ideas.....

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Drapery, or Cloth Drawings.....

Here are some samples and the grade sheet...

Claude Le Boul - Packed Painting I
See more of Le Boul's paintings here @ www.parisartweb.com/artists/painting/claude-le-boul/
Tate, charcoal on paper, 29.5 x 43.5 inches, 2009
1823 Raphaelle Peale (American artist, 1774-1825) "After The Bath"

Francisco de Zurbaran, Saint Serapion, 1628. 


Many of these came from Pinterest.... see more here @ https://www.pinterest.com/joekakoko/art-drapery-studies/ 


Here is the grade sheet to see what you "must do" in your drawing....

Sunday, November 15, 2015

GRADE SHEET for Self Portrait

Here is another copy of the grade sheet for you-

Please look it over and plan what changes to make to your piece to get the best grade-

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Great Artists To See....

Here is an interesting drawing challenge for you- Home work Drawing, Due Monday, November 2.

Here are links and some examples of drawings by the artits who inspired the project...


An American Artist- still living and working...... these are HUGE charcoal Drawings..... cool!

See more about him here @http://www.robertlongo.com/portfolios

Untitled (Backdoor Pipeline, Hawaii, Spring ‘99)
Charcoal on mounted paper

Here are some drawings still in the studio....
look at the size and how he creates them too..... neat!

Georges Seurat

A French painter known for his use of dots and shading...

Aman-Jean, 1883

Child in White, 1884-85

Seated Boy, 1883, 12 1/2 X 9 inches

See more about him here @ http://www.theartstory.org/artist-seurat-georges.htm

and his drawings are  here @ http://www.moma.org/interactives/exhibitions/2007/seurat/

Monday, October 19, 2015

Planes Of The Face

Start drawing portraits by learning the basic shapes, or PLANES of the head....

Here are some examples to help you see the pattern of shapes that make up the face and head....

Look how LIGHT and SHADOW matches the PLANES of the head...

See More examples here @ http://www.slideshare.net/truongtrungthinhedu/michael-hampton-figure-drawing-design-and-invention-43184421


Monday, October 12, 2015

3 Boxes Drawing..... a "Pop- Quiz"

Let's get back to basics in this simple, yet challenging drawing task.

Here is the handout:

Here are some samples of constructing solids in 2 point perspective as helpers...
