Monday, September 28, 2015

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Henrik Drescher

What a great example of someone combining creativity with mastery of drawing tools- INK in this case.. Drescher is an illustrator with an edgy sense of humor and a great sense of design.

See more of his work here @

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Post your Work

Post images of your recent drawings- and explain your ideas and solutions.

1. The Mass gesture and Modeled line drawings.... post images of each drawing and answer these questions:
a. How did you use drawing tools and lines in a creative way?

2. Cumulative drawing.... post and explain:
a. How did you use lines to describe the FORM of the subject?
b. What makes your drawing creative and unique?

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Posting the 5 "Building With Elipses" Drawings

Post images of your charcoal drawings as you create them.

* Post a photo of the whole drawing and a detail (close up) photo...

Please describe how each drawing shows your CREATIVE use of tools and materials. What makes it different from a "regular" drawing?

Posting the Single Line Homework

Post one or more images of your homework drawing and explain your creative solution.

1. How did you creatively use TWO sheets of paper for your drawing? Does the shape of the paper mean something?

2. Did you use the "continuous line" drawing technique?

3. What would you do next time to make the drawing better?